Tuesday 15 May 2012

Android Girl Rig - Free to download

Hi guys, it has been a while since my last update on this blog. And many thanks for anyone following me, giving me feedback, comments or just having a look on my blog, anything.

I've decided to share my Android Girl rig that I've been done last few months :) , it's fully functional with some kinda cool features which I am going to show you below. The reason I am sharing it is very simple, I was thinking the best way to get feedback and ideas from the community is sharing it for free.

And so there you go, feel free to grab it and email me or just leave a comment here if there is any issues on the rig, it's still on a very early version so there are rooms for improvement. I just wanna ask you guys a tiny favor in return which is please keep my credits of the rig.

password: teddiedanh

Oh, and don't forget to hit "Follow Me Now!" button now for more cool stuffs in the future.



Concept Artwork by Max Hancock (kouotsu) on Deviantart

Special Thanks to : Ian Lopez and Kevin Phillips @Natcoll