Monday 20 June 2011

(WIP) Abram Tank

Well, I get a long week holidays for mid-year break ahead, so better doing some modelings and animations than playing game and sleep the whole day :P . I did this tank last week when I found the model sheet on The-blueprints and had some free time.

 *** Updated 05 July 2011 : I finished the model without texture, added some rigs to control the machine gun and the lid. Here's a few shots I rendered with Physcial Sun and Sky feature of mental ray, still need a bit of tweaks but a crazy week is coming up ahead so I'm quite happy with this for now.

Wireframe (Contour Rendering) :

Tuesday 7 June 2011

X-Wing model on Maya

Here's the hard body I decided to model for my assignment on DAN class, the popular X-Wing battleship :P.

Well, nothing fancy here :) , I didn't spend too much time on this model because I also needed to focus on rigging my catman until it was functional which is very time consuming. But I think it's still not a bad piece of work with all the details on top/back body, engines and the wings

Monday 6 June 2011

(WIP) The Cat Piano Model

The last model, my catman, I got the inspiration for it from an short animation "The Cat Piano" directed by Eddie White. Well, this film is kinda cool with the narration is a poem (narrated by Nick Cave), the poet was typing on a typewriter. If you like classical music and cool 2D animation style you will like it, so check this out :

And I've thought why didn't I model the cat from the movie itself, it could come out very interesting. And so, I began modeling him yesterday. So far so good, but it was still a Work In Process though and I got so busy with my study lately so I might have to update it later. Here is the upper body with the unfinished head :

2nd model , Natcoll DAN11 class's modeling assignment

We had a big assignment last week with a lot of pressure while we had to finish 2 model (a hard body model and a character), make the character functional rigged and write a reflection document on the whole process. Anyway, I draw a catman guy to use as model sheet, I think it was kinda cool and got the inspiration from an short animated film named "The Cat Piano" directed by Eddie White on 2009, the main character is a anthropomorphic cat.

Here is my scans ;  

And the model without any real texture (well, basically I just applied some Lambert/Blinn materials and changed the base color to make it looks more interesting).