Monday 20 June 2011

(WIP) Abram Tank

Well, I get a long week holidays for mid-year break ahead, so better doing some modelings and animations than playing game and sleep the whole day :P . I did this tank last week when I found the model sheet on The-blueprints and had some free time.

 *** Updated 05 July 2011 : I finished the model without texture, added some rigs to control the machine gun and the lid. Here's a few shots I rendered with Physcial Sun and Sky feature of mental ray, still need a bit of tweaks but a crazy week is coming up ahead so I'm quite happy with this for now.

Wireframe (Contour Rendering) :

Previous posts :


  1. Nice Tank Bro, keep up the good work =)

    Andrew =)

  2. I agree - this is a pretty nice bit of hard-body modelling! And the geometry looks fairly efficient too...

    Cool stuff! Love to see you paint this up with some nice grimey textures! ;-)
